Ask Rosy Rox

Webb students enjoy spirited week before taking off on Spring Break!

Hey this is Rosy Rox, the girl around town, in the know and here to answer your questions. I like to review restaurants, movies, plays, etc.

I specialize in teen advice, mainly because I know what the teens here in the ADKs go through. I should know. I’m one myself. And no one understands a teen like a teen.

So, bring on your questions or problems, e-mail me at:

Rosy’s Random Review:Last week Town of Webb School had Spirit Week. That’s a week full of fun they have right before spring break.

There were dress-up days: Tuesday was Green Day for St. Patrick’s Day, Wednesday was Pajama Day, Thursday was Dress Up as a Professional Day, and Friday was Wear Your Class Color Day.

We also decorated our hallways according to our class color. They judged on the best hallways on Thursday and announced the winners on Friday.

The freshmen (orange) won first for emulating MAC’s Safe Ride, the juniors (white) won second for TPing (toilet papering) their hallway, and seniors (black) won third for their haunted hallway.

Judges tally up the points for everything (hallways, dress-up days) for a head start on the final Spirit Week event on the last day: the Spirit Assembly.

The assembly features crazy tasks and events and classes compete against each other to win points.

There were activities such as a person climbing up a ladder and dropping whipped cream into a person’s (who is lying down on the ground) mouth, and a water drinking contest using hamster water bottles.

The biggest event was the pinball, which was dominated by the senior class.

The freshmen started with the most points, but in the end the seniors won.

It was a fun-filled week that got everyone pumped for Spring Break.

Dear Rosy RoX,

I’m bored. It’s Spring Break and I feel like I have nothing to do. What now?

Bored in Inlet

Dear Bored,

You might get tired of hearing this from your parents, but there is never “nothing” to do.

Call your friends, go to the movies, go shopping, surf the web, play some games outside with your friends, have some family time.

The list is endless.

If nothing appeals to you, or you feel like you’ve done that stuff way too many times, then go somewhere different.

Take a trip to another town, like Utica or Glens Falls.

Both of these places are filled with stores, restaurants, and activities that are different from the ones we have in our area.

Just get around and Spring Break can go from endless boredom to being a blast.

Enjoy your Spring Break!

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