Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

Reader offers theory about meals served at ‘non-hunting’ camps

Every now and again a pleasant surprise arrives addressed to “Mrs. Lucky at The Weekly,” and of course my dear newspaper-office pals are eager to forward them to me.

This very morning I found an envelope containing the following letter on the front seat of my car (must’ve been after my bedtime—a.k.a. dark—when Jay stopped by) [Editor’s note: Sort of twilight-ish.]…

Mrs. Lucky,

For God’s Sake Lady!!

Don’t eat that kielbasa— what do you think killed that coyote!! Has Mr. Sh*ts told you about his friend who has a contract with the New York State Thruway Authority to pick up road kill?

Where do you think they get their Kielbasa ingredients?

Just got out of the woods or would have written sooner. Hope you feel O.K.

By the way, what you visited was a non-hunting camp.

A. Friend

Mrs. Lucky would like to take a moment here to respond:

Dear Friend:

Can’t thank you enough for your brutally honest note. As luck would have it I have not yet received a new batch of Mr. Sh*t’s oh-so-special kielly, but I did indeed eat it once and I’m quite disappointed in myself for not noticing the hint of coyote.

How thoughtful of you to share—and yes, I’m intrigued by your anonymous status.

I’m guessing Mr. Sh*ts will be as well… I would hope to hear from him in the very near future with a darn good defense for the killer kielly…

Hopefully will get to meet you someday and maybe get an invite to a REAL hunter’s camp… I do adore spiedies….

Best Regards,

Mrs. Lucky, From Woodgate

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