Letter to the Editor – Candidate deCamp: Abundance of challenges facing our communities

To the Editor:

I am a registered independent, and as such I could not run in the primary elections. So my official candidacy commenced on July 21, 2011.

Since then I have spent a great deal of time learning why the TOW is where it is, how it got there, what challenges we face and how they affect the livelihood of our communities.

In 2008 property taxes and the revaluation was huge! Ultimately the decision resulted in the rejection of the revaluation. 2012 will bring this issue right back on everyone’s table.

I am willing and able to tackle this issue, locally and on the county level, to reach the solution that is in the best interest of the residents and business owners within the TOW.

Town of Webb Professional Offices: commonly known as the TOW Health Center. I have interviewed key players on this issue, reading the situational assessment report—preliminary finding written by Thomas H. Dennison PH D. dated March 2011.

One needs to look back to 1961—50 years ago to realize the TOW was in much the same predicament then as it may be now.

How does our community attract anyone of the medical profession to move into the TOW and make a successful living—when, based on population and remoteness to any major cities, said individual could make a much better living not coming to the TOW?

This was the case in 1961 and it continues to be the same today. It took some very dedicated individuals several years to come up with a plan that would entice doctors to come to Old Forge, TOW.

Funding had to be found. Through the Hillburton Fund (1962) the “Health Center” was born. “Health Center” because that was the terminology required to be used.

As with many grants & Federal funds there were strings attached, obligations and annual inspections to be passed. One of the final obligations met was completed by the Health Center Staff and Dr. Charles Moehs, who provided monthly Well Child Clinics free of charge. This satisfied the final obligation TOW had to the Federal Government with regard to the Hillburton Funding.

Fast forward 50 years, the Federal Government and the State Government, through regulations and article 28, effectively put the “Health Center” out of business as it could no longer operate as it had the previous 40 years.

New laws and regulations would require it to be renamed “Professional Offices” not “Health Center,” because the TOW could not maintain it open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and fully staffed with State mandated/qualified staff to operate as if an Emergency room facility.

External State regulations and mandates effectively changed how services could be provided at our former “Health Center.”

In the best interest of the residents of the TOW, the Professional Offices were retained. Staffing & facilities paid for byTOW property taxes.

2011 – I hear property owners are complaining they pay for said facility, can’t use it because of insurances or it is not open or the doctor is not available.

I hear you. I’ve listened and I’ve done my homework. I’ve interviewed Barb Ball, Dr. Socash, Dr. Webster, Nurse Laura Cooper, the Health Center Fund, read Dr. Dennison’s report & recommendations, reviewed article 28.

Upon taking office I will work with the Board to open up community dialog and have regularly scheduled public discussions of where we are now, where we need to be and develop a plan on how to get us there.

We have short term problems (6 months to 2 years): schedules, personnel, insurances, personalities and long term (now and for the next 10 years): Doctors, staffing, State mandates, facility costs.

This is a complex issue which requires education, communication and community involvement on all levels.

Do we continue as is? Sell it off and privatize it to the highest bidder—St. Lukes/Faxton or St. Elizabeth’s or to some other entity as an Urgent Care within the TOW operate and budget?

I have run $44 million dollar construction projects, multimillion dollar restaurants and departments. Every dollar can be accounted for and should be. I have reviewed the Independent Auditors Report by Moore & Hart.

The 2012 Budget should be approved by the time the new supervisor takes office, I will be charged with working with Mr. Moore’s budget the first year.

I will work with the Board to evaluate each department and the accounting procedures outlined in the Auditor’s report to determine how best to proceed in the future.

I do believe we can know how much McCauley Mtn costs, how much the snowmobile department costs and each and every separate department and project cost.

Not to forget the State mandated retirement increases, workers comp, insurances which are huge and ever increasing.

Master Plan: In 2002 the TOW adopted a Master Plan— this plan is key—where were we 10 years ago? Where are we now in 2012? What got done, what did not, and why? What has changed? What is missing?

Health Care, Sewers, affordable housing, employment, emergency services, school enrollment, tourism—just to mention a few.

Once a municipality adopts a Master Plan it must be reviewed regularly—every 3 to 5 years. We appear to have dropped the ball if you will.

I have held Town Hall meetings, reached out to the Adirondack Community Housing Trust, Common Ground Alliance, Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages, CAP-21 and many other groups, organizations, businesses and individuals.

We are a community first, with diverse needs, wants and interests— both year round and seasonal.

As supervisor, it is my responsibility with the Board to assess waste, reduce spending and operate within our means—always providing the highest level of quality, integrity and service to our communities; year round, seasonal and tourists.

Let’s be: S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible

About our future now, in 10 years and for the future generations to follow.

My short term goals: (6 months to 1 year)

• Increase off season Tourism & Destination events

• Bring Special Olympics to TOW

• Increase awareness of TOW attributes to attract the 70 million people living within a 5 hour drive of TOW on visit in the off season.

• Entice private enterprise to open up public transportation

My long term goals: ( 1 year– 5 years)

• increase school enrollment

• improve health care

• attract affordable housing

• attract a college or university

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I strongly encourage you to go out and vote on Tuesday November 8th.

H. Stuart deCamp, Independent party Voice of the People

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