Adirondack groups partner to raise funds for Inlet’s Senior/Community Center

CAP-21 and Adirondack Cares, an organization established by the Adirondack Foundation to help non-profits and communities raise funds for essential projects, are partners in a 60-day on-line campaign to raise funds for carpet replacement at the Inlet Senior/Community Center.

Through the campaign, which kicked-off on March 3, they hope to raise $1,500 as a match to other grant assistance being sought by CAP-21 to replace the severely worn carpeting that currently presents a safety hazard.

Donations can be made through the Adirondack Cares website:

The Inlet/Senior Community Center is available to all seniors and not-so-seniors living within the region. It is the center of social life and activity for many year-round residents.

The Center is also used for school functions, by other organizations as meeting space, and for special town events such as One Square Mile and Black Fly Challenge.

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