Thanks for great Fishing Derby

Thanks to Raquette Lake Fire Department for letting the Fish & Game Club use their building and thus having to find warm places around town for the emergency vehicles.

Thanks to Wayne Kavanaugh, Fish & Game president and treasurer for getting the ball rolling and taking care of door prizes and cash prizes.  

Thanks to Mike Burke of Burke’s Marina. Mike shops at The Triple S Sporting Goods Show in Buffalo every year where he purchases the great door prizes.

And thanks to Tioga Construction, Mike Norris’s former employer, who every year generously donates the door prize money for the event.

Thanks to Town of Long Lake for paying for the plaques and helping with food costs.

Thanks to Liz Forsell who works the crowd to get the most dollars that can be squeezed out of a pocket for the 50/50 drawing!

Thanks to the Norris family and friends who help run the event every year. But mostly, thanks to the people of all ages who show up before dawn in miserable temperatures and stand on frozen water for eight hours to participate in an event that was begun and held for 15 years now to remember a guy who would take the shirt off his back for a stranger…even if he was out on the lake ice fishing!

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