Robert Moore offers words of tribute

John Russell,

Barb Getty, Sandy and Ed Booton and Andy Getty.

Barb Getty, Sandy and Ed Booton and Andy Getty.

When I heard that a gathering was being planned to say Thank You to you for your years of dedicated public service, I thought, what an excellent idea.

Following that thought, it occurred to me that you would likely say; no that’s not necessary and resist any such gathering that would shine a light on you and your contribution to our community. We know you to be humble.

Photos by Caitlin and Alison Russell

Dawn Schweinsberg, Karen Mitchell and Gayle Partyka

Dawn Schweinsberg, Karen Mitchell and Gayle Partyka

Oh well, in spite of your resistance here we are and there’s no getting away from us.

The intent of saying Thank You is to express gratitude.

Often times in our culture Thank You is expressed almost mechanically.

DSC_0384This gathering is not that kind of Thank You. The purpose of this gathering is to express our sincere, heartfelt gratitude to you for who you are and what you have given. We know you to be generous.

Over the years you have touched many lives, in many ways, under many circumstances.

In times of hardship you were there to provide comfort and genuine caring. We know you to be compassionate.

Richard Risley, Dan and Sheila Rivet

Richard Risley, Dan and Sheila Rivet

In the performance of your duties as a police officer you were firm, yet fair. We know you to be strong in conviction.

As Chief of the Fire Department you exhibited sound leadership by creating orderly response during times of crisis. You have earned our respect.

When you found yourself as the brunt of a pun or attempt at humor, you took it in stride. We know you to be a good sport.

Together with Nanci, as the parents of three fine children you taught values that matter and worked tirelessly to provide for them. We know you to be a good parent and a hard working man.

As a husband, we see that you found, cared for and cherished the love of your life. We know you to be a good and loving husband.

The human condition often hides from our personal view the attributes that we each possess. In other words we see you differently than you may see yourself. We want you to know that your presence in our lives has been and continues to be valued greatly.

We pause and say Merci, John, for your contributions to our community and to each one of us. We are grateful for who we know you to be.

In friendship, today and always,

Robert Moore

Old Forge

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