Card of thanks

I’ve always known our little communities to be very helpful to those in need. But after my accident last month I  found out firsthand just how helpful so many can be.

I need to thank Danny, Leo, Annie and AJ from the Old Forge Ambulance and Police departments for getting me out of the car and to the hospital. I heard I made the task kind of difficult. Sorry about that. Thankfully we have some very well-trained people here in our little town. 

Thank you to Chris  for getting Scabby Bum to the doggie hospital just as quick! And thank you to Chris, Evan and Tiff for watching (and spoiling) SB when she got home. Thank you to Mary, Matt and Barb, Tracy, Art, Annette and Todd, Jim and Crystal, Rod and Linda, Judy, Shelly and Kim for all the visits, meals, rides and help around the house.

Thank you to everyone for all the phone calls and cards and help that has been given. It was all much appreciated.

Thank you,

Marie Martin

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