Town of Webb Board of Education holds March 18 meeting

The Town of Webb UFSD Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, March 18, where it took the actions summarized as follows (not official minutes).

Approved the Minutes of February 18, 2014 meeting.

Approved the Warrants and Claims.

Approved the Committee on Special Education Recommen-dations.

Approved the CSEA Sick Bank Committee Recommen-dation

Approved the Resignation for Retirement of Patricia Harwood, Special Education teacher, with regret and appreciation for her 29 years of service at the Town of Webb UFSD/33 years in education, effective June 30, 2014.

Accepted the Resignation of Board Member Maryellen Denio, with regret and appreciation for her 8 months of service, effective immediately.

Approved the 2013–2014 spring sports coaches: Volunteer to Assist the Modified Softball Coach – Kerrin Ehrensbeck

Approved a proposition to establish a Capital Reserve Fund to be voted upon at the Annual Budget Meeting 5/20/14.

Special Topics included: A Review of the 2014-2015 budget

Principal’s Report:

Our 1pm early dismissal procedures that were due to the inclement weather went smoothly on Wednesday, 3/12.

Mr. Tim Leach accompanied five students to the Herkimer County Courtroom on Tuesday, 3/11. This is one of the four field trips involved in this educational internship with Herkimer County Legislature. Our students will observe, learn and participate in county government.

Mr. Bradish and the Material/Transportation class have provided some model planes that were created in class for display in our school library.

Diane Amos provided CPR/AED training to our faculty and staff who were interested on Friday 3/7 and Monday, 3/10.

The National Honor Society held a Blood Drive along with the Red Cross on Wednesday, 3/5.

Our musical production is being held at 7pm this Friday, 3/21 and Saturday, 3/22, “Annie Get Your Gun,” directed by Val Gaudin. Please come and support our students!

Robert Fountain’s 7th grade students, Independent Art, Drawing/Painting and Studio Art classes enjoyed a presentation from visiting artist, RC Oster, on Tuesday, 3/18 to model some of his art work for our students.

Kirsten Down and Judy Ehrensbeck put on a terrific PARP read-in event in our auxiliary gym on Thursday evening, 3/13 at 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Students brought their sleeping bags and pillows to hear stories from different readers in our community.

Our modified spring sports started on Monday, 3/17 with our varsity teams starting last Monday, 3/10. We are looking forward to a great spring season!

At this point in the year, there have been 53 teacher observations completed with 8 remaining.

Superintendent’s Report included the topics:

Both the State’s Assembly and House have released their proposed budgets. It sounds like the expectation remains that there will be an on time budget approved again this year.

Both budgets include extra funding for schools and further restoration of the GEA although the Senate budget shunts a large amount of funding to charter schools and other items downstate.

I expect to see a side by side comparison shortly that will further highlight the “truth in the numbers.”

Thank you to Maryellen Denio her for her 8 months of service to the students of the District!

We had a representative in from the State last Wednesday during the snowstorm to formally observe and audit the cafeteria which is on a rotational schedule with this being our year.

Generally the feedback was good with one item noted that we need to update our Wellness Plan and restart regular meetings as a Wellness Committee.

We will be looking to include a community member in this committee as we have done in the past.

Our architect will be coming in to meet on March 24th to discuss the list of items O&M came up with that need attention in the building and on the campus.

This initial meeting will start building the context for a potential future project that at this point has become necessary due to the larger ticket items of some of the needs as well as the inability of the budget to address these costs especially under the current constraints of the tax cap.

Please remember our play this weekend with performances of “Annie Get Your Gun” on both Friday and Saturday night at 7 p.m. It is sure to be a great show.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 @ 6:30 p.m. the next meeting is scheduled in the Library. Once minutes are approved they can be found at

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