Unfortunate way to enter the holidays

To the Superintendent and Board of Education of Inlet Common School:

As I’m sure the Board has anticipated, I’ll have to tender my resignation from the part-time teaching position at the Inlet Common School in the wake of my daughter Gwen’s sudden termination at the school.

For me to remain would surely cause a distraction for the students, and would be awkward for myself and everyone else who is involved.

Also, I would like to express my surprise and dismay at the unusual timing of the dismissal. For Gwen to be terminated the day after a successful Christmas concert and the day before the Christmas break, was—I’m sure you’re not completely insensitive to this—a shock and an insult. For this to have occurred in the middle of the school day, with students in attendance (there is no real place of privacy in the building) seems unprofessional, and shows a careless lack of tact. We were both completely blindsided by your action.

So, it’s with regret that I hope you will accept this letter as my notice of immediate resignation. I’m sure you will be able to fill the position very quickly, if you haven’t already.

I’ll move on from this incident almost immediately, Gwen will also, but it saddens me to think that it may create a divisive tone that the school will take time to recover from.


Jim Tracy, Old Forge

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