A post-primary poem from Town of Forestport candidate Snead


In the wake of the recent Town of Forestport primary, I submit the following poem to you and the Voters of Forestport…

Kick the Can Down the Road

It’s time to take our town back, with the November election at hand

And try to be good neighbors by working hard if we can

To those of you in government remember you work for  us

Country, Freedom, Family, Neighbor and in God we trust


We must stop writing tickets to hire more cops

So they can write more tickets, this has to stop

Property owner’s rights are under constant attack

With an endless progression of more laws and more tax


The Town, the State, the A.P.A with planning and codes

The D.E.C, the Canal authority creating an unbearable load

Many of our townspeople give up on their building plans

Jobs are lost, contractors can’t work we have to lend them a hand


This day and age we would never be allowed to build our humble boat shop

All taxes we paid that our town received, they would never have got

The jobs we provided over the last 30 years would  never have been

Families would have been forced to move south and never come back again


Our Town officials brag about zero town tax while the funds keep pouring in

From ever increasing sales and property taxes Their spending just never ends

Town employees in town owned trucks cruising around all day

Wearing out trucks and burning our fuel while receiving overtime pay


One quarter of our town budget is paid out for employee benefits

A Cadillac plan our consultant said, the employees don’t pay one cent

We have to treat our employees well but we will have to find a way

In this November election we voters will definitely have our say


It’s budget time in October and here is a chance for savings to be explored

By the two candidates running for town supervisor currently on the board

Will they accept their responsibilities by lowering the taxpayers load

Or do what they usually do and kick the can down the road


—Parker Snead, 9/19/13

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