A response to TOBIE Trail criticism

To the residents of the Town of Webb:

I would like to respond to some of the repetitive negativity that has been written in the paper about how much the Town Board neglected safety in the planning of the TOBIE Trail.

I’ve been on the Town Board the longest of the present board. I started when Phase One was already moving along. When Phase Two was presented, I was very involved. I was very supportive of this next phase for many reasons, one being the Eagle Bay property would be good looking with a welcome center, restrooms, and green space.

The second part [of Phase Two] is creating a safe walking space along Route 28 through Thendara and maintaining the snowmobile trail.

This means safe walking separate from the snowmobile trails, which is much safer than we have now.

Mr. Bird stated that the Trail was planned to go to the back roads of Thendara. That was the proposed plan, but complications made the route not an option.

There are many details why this didn’t happen. I don’t want to take the time to explain all those at this point, as they were addressed publicly throughout the project.

I believe the trail will be an asset to our community. And to sum that up I’d like to say, whatever community project that this board addresses, safety is always a priority.

Thank you,

Mike Ross, Councilman

Town of Webb

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