Decision adversely affects local business, yet no communication from Town Board?

To the Editor: 

We are shocked, disappointed, dismayed and ripping mad concerning a paragraph in the December issue of the Weekly Adirondack page 21 entitled, Webb Board passes array of resolutions in final monthly meeting of 2015.

It reads: The Board resolves to post two “no parking” signs on the lake side of South Shore Road 100 feet from either side of the Barry’s residential driveway. The signs will be placed by the Herkimer County Highway Department. 

The purpose is to prevent traffic hazards that could result at the driveway due to poor visibility. The measure passed on a three-to-one vote, with Councilman J.B. Herron opposing. He said he believes 200 feet of total clean-out to be excessive.

“There’s a business across the street that doesn’t have a lot of parking,” he said.

OUCH! We own said business, which is the Red Dog Tavern. We were not notified of the purpose of this meeting in any way, shape or form beforehand or since. (Dec. 14.)

Councilman Herron is right on. No question about it, parking is scarce. Apparently because we are located 10 miles from Old Forge proper, nestled in the woods in the middle of nowhere our restaurant is not worth their consideration. Ever hear of a kangaroo court? OUCH!

FACTS: Our operating hours are more seasonal than most with a 4 p.m. opening. (i.e., open only 2 weekends since October 24th and won’t open again until Dec. 26th.)  The driveway in question is owned by part-time residents.

HISTORY: The Red Dog was established in 1982. Before that it was The Trail House for 30 years or more and as we understand it’s been a bar/eating establishment since 1923. Eight years have gone by since our purchase and will begin our ninth on February 6, 2016.

The back of the building is within five feet of state land. The left side grass area holds the septic and leaching fields and used for snowmobile parking. Designated public parking is on the right and front for about 15 vehicles.

There is an easement across one end for F.X. Matt’s snowmobile trail so we lose four spaces. Employee parking is on the upper tier by the back door also used for the physically challenged persons entrance.

So where else can patrons park?

NOTE TO BOARD MEMBERS: Make sure the county doesn’t place the signs so close to the road as to obstruct plowing and if further in tell them to remember to bring their chain saws.

QUESTIONS:  (1) How much are the parking tickets going to cost?

(2) How much time will the police devote to handing out tickets and collecting fines? Does that include the help of state troopers?

(3) If the signs are not visible due to snow or large vehicles will tickets still be issued?

(4) If snowmobiles, motorcycles, red wagons etc. park on the wrong side of the signs, but don’t obstruct visibility, will they still get a ticket?

(5)  Will patrons who have been frequenting the Red Dog for 10 years or more—and not  aware of the “sign”—get a warning? If so, how will the police know if it’s just a newcomer.

(6) When the out of towners tear up their tickets will the police follow-up in the proper collection procedure; and if so how much time does it take for this out-of-state process to be resolved?

(7) How many tickets will a person have to accumulate before they have to go to jail?

(8) Will the new parking policy endear the hearts of visitors and locals alike?

(9) Has anyone out there ever heard of orange construction cones?

(10) Can you park there when the Red Dog is closed?

NEW SUBJECT: Now in contrast, let’s take a ride down the busiest business section of Old Forge.


(1) How many driveways do you see entering Route 28?

(2) When exiting how much visibility does each driver have during busy times? Is it safe?

(3)  How close to each driveway entrance are vehicles parked?

(4) Do any of these driveways ever get blocked?

(5) When the new parking rules go into effect, “no parking within 100 feet of either side of driveway,” how many parking spaces will there be left? I estimate ten. What do you get?

Just for fun, count the exit and entrances of all business’s plus both sides of the cross streets.

Apply the new parking rule. How many parking spaces are left? Add that number to my estimate of ten. What is the total number of parking spaces? OOPS!   OUCH!

NOTE TO TEACHERS: This could be a great time to have your students figure out the number of parking spaces that would be left. All you need is a 100 ft. measure or two 50’s. Have fun.

When all Old Forge business owners wake up one fine morning and look out their windows at the new “parking signs” outside their establishments and the streets are barren…. no cars, no trucks, no UPS, no revs, no red wagons, baby carriages maybe, just remember we warned them this was going to happen. The bright side is lots of visibility, plus the county signs are free.

NEW SUBJECT  NEW PROBLEM: How should the signs on South Shore Road read?

(1) “No Parking” If the sign is placed 100 feet from the driveway, isn’t that a little ambiguous? Should you park in front of the sign or behind it? On the Inlet side does that mean you can’t park on that side of the street all the way to Inlet?

“But officer…” Can you park there when the Red Dog is closed?

(2) “No Parking 100 Feet from Driveway” That means the driver has to know exactly how far 100 is.

“But officer…”  Should there be another sign to identify the distance? Can you park there when the Red Dog is closed?

(3) At night this section of South Shore Road is pitch black, If it weren’t for the lights from the Red Dog you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.

It’s possible a driver could miss seeing a dirt driveway.

For safety’s sake shouldn’t the drive way have some lighting?

Can you park there when the Red Dog is closed?

(4) “DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY” Well, that’s also up for interpretation. How big is your truck? Can you park there when the Red Dog is closed?

HERE’S OUR SOLUTION FOR THE SIGN: “DO Not Block Driveway for Approximately 100 Feet When The Red Dog Tavern Is Open and The Owners of the Driveway Are In Town”   How’s that?

Wow, pretty big sign. Wonder if it will meet the signing regulations. Maybe the neighbors will complain. OUCH!

CONTEST: Send your signing solutions Red Dog Tavern, P.O. Box 29, Eagle Bay, NY 13331. Please include your name and phone number.

The one Diane and Paul deem the best will win a $100 gift certificate to the Red Dog. Contest ends January 17, 2016. Must be postmarked by that date.

We may have gone a little overboard to prove a point, but boy (phew) after venting we sure feel a lot better.

We heartily and sincerely appreciate J.B. Herron’s Board vote as well as his comment that taking away 200 feet of parking from the Red Dog is “excessive.” He was the only Board member who knew or cared that “a business” was across the street.

Paul and I invite the Board and all interested persons to meet with us at the Red Dog to look at the lay of the land and discuss and possibly readdress this issue on Wednesday, December 23 at 5:30 p.m. The restaurant will be closed.

We promise to write another letter to the editor to let you know how everything turns out. Thank you for reading our letter.

Diane Doyle (315) 390-4001  Paul Ryan  357-6136

Red Dog Tavern  357-5502

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