The Kiwanis Club of the Central Adirondacks, the Key Club and Jr. Key Club of the Town of Webb School washed 60 cars at their 14th Annual Free Car Wash at Calypso’s Cove parking lot on Saturday, May 24th.
The combined Kiwanis Club and Key Club effort raised over $3,000 at the event.
According to co-chairmen Bob Teesdale and Mike Griffin the event was a great success with 60 cars, one pickup with 24-foot pontoon boat, an ambulance, and a very large camper among the vehicles washed.
The event is the primary administrative fundraiser for the many Kiwanis Club child-oriented community programs.
The Kiwanis Club, Key Club and Jr. Key Club expressed thanks to the following individuals and businesses for their continuing support:
The Noonan family at the Enchanted Forest/Water Safari for the use of the Calypso’s Cove parking lot, the Rowe family at The Donut Shop, Doug Clark of the Old Forge Car Wash and NAPA for donation of car wash soap, Kinney Drugs for bottled water and chips, and the many sponsors and patrons who make this special fund-raising event possible.
Teesdale and Griffin also extended thanks to Key Club Advisor Diane Amos and special thanks to Diane Baker and husband, Bob, a long-time chairman of the event, and their family for their efforts to help Kiwanis with the fundraiser.
The 15th Annual Kiwanis Free Car Wash is scheduled for Saturday, May 23, 2015.