Tag Archives: Andrew Getty

Obviously, you are picking on me when you say that

Webb Code Enforcement Officer

Many permits

In the world of local code enforcement, all too often the accusation that we are picking on, or targeting someone is made.

Certain individuals must think that the only thing we have to do is constantly spy on them, waiting for the opportunity to jump on them.

Issuing four hundred permits a year, doing plan review of the same, of which many are major projects, communicating with the engineers, architects, owners and contractors involved, can take a lot of time.

This just gets to the point of the issuance of the permits. Then the actual inspections during the work begin.

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How much merchandise display is allowed outside the store?

The concept of outdoor display of merchandise is not new. Businesses that survive on retail sales use the good weather months to maximize sales by putting stuff outside to catch the wandering eyes of all the people that walk the streets or drive by.

Over the last twenty years and in the opinion of some, this concept was abused to the point of making the town look junky, touristy, crowded or otherwise not appropriate.

Everybody has their opinion, some care, some don’t care.

The town adopted zoning regulations many years ago, of which language was included that tried to address the issue of outdoor display.

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Fire procedure

Okay kids, what do you do when the fire alarm goes off?

At a very young age we [yes, we were kids too] are taught to leave the building, in a calm and orderly manner, when the fire alarm is activated.

This has been standard procedure since at least the 1960’s.

This may not include all of us in the “older” generation, but it certainly includes most of us.

All through school, from kindergarten through high school, there are mandated fire alarm and evacuation drills.

Some were scheduled; others were random; all mandated by the Department of Education.

In general the concept has never changed. The alarm goes off, everybody drops what they are doing then in a calm, orderly manner, leave the building.

Pretty simple concept. Get out and wait for the fire department. Continue reading

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Thank property owner associations for lakes we enjoy today

they’re back

Not the summer residents and visitors, the Dye Tester!!! Yep, it’s that time of year again. The Town of Webb Dye Tester is out along the shores and may be knocking on your door soon. Both the Chain of Lakes [1st – 4th and Old Forge Pond and channel] and Big Moose Lake have a cooperative arrangement with the Code Office to dye test all waterfront properties.

Between the two areas there are over 1,100 places to test. It is impossible to do them all every year. The goal is to test each one every 3–4 years.

This program was started many years ago, back in the 1960’s.

At that time, property owners worked independently from the town through their respective lake property owners associations.  Continue reading

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Why all the fuss, it’s only a shed?!

Shed Rules

The customer has an expectation that what they are paying for meets certain minimum standards. This is a fundamental concept of business.

As this concept applies to buildings, the customer is all too often more focused on what the building will look like, how it functions, does it provide the space they anticipate rather than be concerned about some code standard.

Even little buildings like storage sheds or a gazebo are expected to meet some very basic standards.

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Busy season for code violation complaints, many repeaters

Just another couple weeks

The number of violations being cited by the code office in the last few weeks seems to be more than normal.

Most of them are “repeaters,” meaning that the same, or very similar issue, had been dealt with not too long is the past with the same people.

Some of these are based on complaints; others were discovered through the regular daily activity of the staff.

Just as an example of some of the violations being handled, here is a partial list, without specific locations:  Continue reading

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

No such thing as a temporary dock no matter how impermanent it seems

Another summer season starts and docks are going in. With the more prevalent use of the convenient roll-in dock systems, the need of being sure the dock goes back in the same location as was approved in the permit for the dock, becomes very important… “Oh, a permit was required for the dock?”…you ask?

Yes, a permit is required for any dock, any replacement, any expansion and most repairs.

Whether it rolls in, floats, sits on legs, mounted on cribbing, stationary or permanent, has a board ramp to shore, is bolted to shore or is even detached from shore, a permit is required.

There is no such thing as a temporary dock, as this office is so often told. A dock is a dock and the regulations apply.

For single family, individual docks, the regulations are pretty simple.

Eight foot wide maximum, not to exceed 300 sq. ft. in size, not any longer than 40 from the mean high water mark at the shore and cannot impede boat navigation.

In the majority of shoreline areas, a 25 foot projected side property line setback is required.  Continue reading

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