Author Archives: Gina Greco

Many rewards come in serving with our local emergency providers

Become part of the Old Forge Fire Dept. volunteer family:

Are you looking to help your community while also helping yourself? The Old Forge Fire Department/ Ambulance Corp is looking to recruit new members!

Membership opportunities range from firefighter or EMT, to ambulance drivers and fire police, as well as being a member on our dive team.

Whether you’re in high school or in retirement, we have a job for you!  Continue reading

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Town of Webb UFSD Board of Education meets April 19th; Superintendent Germer discusses solar energy consortium

The Town of Webb UFSD Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, where it took the following action*.

Approved the Minutes of April 5, 2016 Board of Education meeting.

Approved the Warrants and Claims.

Accepted the Treasurer’s Report March 2016

Approved the Property Tax Report Card for 2016. Continue reading

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Fern Bick places third in 4-H district competition

The North Central District 4-H Public Presentation event was held Saturday, April 16 at Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida.

Sixteen presenters from five counties shared their demonstrations interviews and recitations in front of six judges.

4-H Public Presentations is a progressive program that allows youth participants the opportunity to advance to more challenging levels of evaluation through a coordinated series of events, each taking place in a different setting.  Continue reading

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Matt Phaneuf & Hayley Ireland welcome daughter Aubree Faith

IMG_4222Matthew Phanuef and Hayley Macholl Ireland announce the birth of their baby daughter

Aubree Faith Phaneuf born on March 26, 2016. She weighed 5 lbs., 3 oz. and measured 19 3/4-inches long.

Grandparents are Janine and Joe Phaneuf of Old Forge, NY and Margaret  and Jeff Ireland of Spafford, NY.

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Webb students participate in Herkimer County Gov. Intern program


Front row: Megan Greene (TOW), Carissa Huber (TOW), Allie Evans (TOW), Ally Cooper (TOW) Back Row: Chairman Bernie Peplinski, Luke Monroe (TOW), Carter Lawrence (TOW), Cody Keeler (CVA), Steven Bergin (CVA), Harry Gibson (CVA), Wally Szarek (PCS), and Legislator Peter Manno. Courtesy photo

The 4-H Government Intern Program, sponsored by the Herkimer County Legislature and administered by Cornell Cooper-ative Extension 4-H Youth Development Program of Herkimer County, recently concluded another successful semester.

Ten students representing the Herkimer County school districts of Town of Webb, Central Valley Academy and Poland Central School participated in the program by exploring current issues and learning more about the functions of their county government through the committee system.  Continue reading

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