Individuals should seek solutions, satisfy own communications needs

 To the Editor:

First, let me say that I am not a Town of Webb resident, nor a snowmobiler.

However I must respond to a recent article asking the town to lay out huge amounts of money to provide additional protection for its trail users.

In fairness to all, would the same dollars be expected to protect other recreational users such as boaters and hikers?

Multiply that by the number of towns just in the northeast, let alone the U.S., and you’re talking millions, upon millions of dollars of taxpayers money to protect people from themselves.Think about it. For as little as $150, plus a subscription fee, a person can purchase a SPOT GPS satelite messenger that will contact 911 anywhere in the U.S. in the event of an emergency, and at the same time put their family at ease.

It’s high time people start accepting some personal responsibility for their safety instead of always expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill.

Brian Esch, Remsen

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