Nourished Living by Dietician Kelly Hamlin MA, Rd, CDN

“It’s The Most Important Meal of the Day…..”

How many of you remember that song from Sesame Street? I used to know it word for word…. But seriously, do you want to know a super simple way to help your children do better in school? One word. Breakfast!!! There are some studies that have shown that when children have a healthy breakfast (you all know how I feel about Pop-Tart’s at this point!!!) they they do do better in school.

I know that there are many adults that skip breakfast because they “just don’t have time”. What kind of example is that setting? Actively growing children need food at regular intervals to fuel their bodies and brains. Skipping breakfast gives as much as a 10- to 12-hour time frame with no food, and the potential for compromised school performance and irritability. Think about it, how cranky do you get when you haven’t eaten?!?!? Feel free, ask the boys how cranky I get when I’m hungry!!!!

Also, there are all sorts of studies that show the benefits of breakfast and the regulation of body weight. Other benefits may include:

• Eating breakfast increases the chances of an overall healthier diet.

• Kids who start the day with a healthy meal are more likely to play sports and be more physically active.

• Eating breakfast improves a child’s ability to concentrate and perform in school.

But mornings are so chaotic with all of us trying to get ready and get out of the house. What are some good choices?

Avoid giving children sweet foods for breakfast, like doughnuts or cereals high in sugar, because after the sugar high (OK – I don’t necessarily buy into the “sugar high” theory, but eating a mixed meal of carbohydrate, fat and protein, not to mention whole grains, keeps blood sugars on a more even keel, avoiding highs and lows associated with straight processed carbohydrates) wears off, they are likely to get tired. Healthy options include whole grain, low-sugar cereal with low-fat milk and fresh fruit, or a yogurt berry parfait with granola. Or, you might offer your child a whole-grain English muffin with peanut butter or jelly and a glass of low-fat milk. Some other healthy options may include: Scrambled eggs, toast with a little bit of butter, turkey bacon or sausage, and a side of fresh fruit; Whole-grain bagel and cream cheese with a side of strawberries; Low-fat cheese toast with a side of cantaloupe and blueberries. Get creative, offer a breakfast burrito with scrambled egg and grated low-fat cheese and fresh fruit.

If you’re in a time crunch, think “outside of the box”. Items such as sandwiches – peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese leftover from dinner. Dry cereal in a sandwich baggie and a 100 percent real-juice juice box. Think back to our college days….I can’t tell you how many times I had cold pizza for breakfast. Hey, it’s got protein, carbohydrate and fat (aka a mixed meal) and if it has veggies on it even better. My personal opinion is that that is way better than some sugary, sticky bun kind of thing.

I know with the crazy schedules that everyone has it tough, but planning breakfast the night before can also save you time.

Healthy meals for kids don’t have to be hard or time-consuming — or even homemade. There are plenty of prepared healthy breakfast foods that can go in the microwave. Check the freezer section at your local grocery store for pre-made meals like whole-wheat bagels and cream cheese, pancakes, waffles, and frozen turkey sausage. When I was at the American Dietetic Association conference in Boston I had a chance to sample the Jimmy D’s French Toast Griddler’s. They were pretty yummy. Please, PLEASE…..avoid things like Pop-Tart’s and Toaster Strudels….you may as well give your kids a candy bar and soda for breakfast. I’d even prefer to see your kid grab a piece of fruit and Nutrigrain bar to eat in the car — it’s still healthy, even though it’s on the go!

So parent’s, make sure that you and your children have a healthy meal to start the day. That way everyone can be productive whether it’s school work or work work. Have a great weekend!

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