by Marianne Christy
At its regular monthly meeting held on Tuesday, March 8, the Inlet Town Board gave final approval for the construction and design of the veteran’s memorial in front of Inlet Town Hall.
Inlet’s Leonard Mick Roberts American Legion Post #1402 preliminary plan to redevelop the memorial was presented to the board by Post Commander Jerry Dupuis at its monthly meeting on February 9 and was supported unanimously.
Dupuis said the costs associated with the project would be borne principally by Post #1402, with grant assistance sought through Nick Rose of CAP-21.
The Inlet board has also offered to help with in-kind services.
Dupuis said construction is expected to begin when the ground frost is gone.
Pending successful fund-raising support, the Legion hopes to dedicate the memorial this summer on the Fourth of July.
The plans for Legion Square, drawn by local architect Jeanne Whyte, are currently on display at Inlet Town Hall for viewing and public comment.
When a final plan is complete it will be presented to the Town Board and the date of a public hearing will be scheduled.
Anyone interested in contributing to the re-development of the memorial may send their tax-deductible donation to: Inlet American Legion Post #1402, P.O. Box 116, Inlet, NY 13360.