A Tribute to Miriam Kashiwa, our Adirondack Mother

by Loretta Lepkowski

Like Sky Woman, she pirouetted down to settle in this semi-wilderness in the land of mountains and waters to spread her seeds gathered from the tree of life and knowledge.

Mirnie began tending the young children of the community in kinder-garden fostering their growth while Hank, her husband, managed the Old Forge Hardware Store that offered everything from books to pots and pans, house paint, fishing rods and fix-it tools.

All this while raising their own brood of children in this secluded haven with its seasonal struggles and delights.

A clever spontaneous collection of local art displayed on the constructed chicken wire fastened on birch poles initiated another birth, the artists’ movement in Old Forge.

With her all-encompassing energy, love of people and an appreciation of various cultures and wild nature, Mirnie kindled a life-long love of learning with an open heart and hand of creativity. The natural environmental treasures and Native American culture were also woven into the colorful expanding tapestry of the Kashiwa legacy.

Time has evolved with playful youthfulness behind us, the energy of mature days a memory and the seasoned age of wisdom upon us. Wrapping ourselves in blankets and books, we warm by the flickering woodstove during the cold hibernating days.

Alas, the smell of spring, the temperature rises above freezing, the renewal of new growth and unfolding ideas emerge out of the melting snow and mud. We celebrate the coming of spring with its fresh greens, heated skunk cabbage, curious otter, chattering squirrels and songs of the returning birds to nest again.

It’s time to honor our roots that stored this miracle of growth and renewal. To our Adirondack mother, Mirnie Kashiwa, we greet you with the dawning of the morning, the one who nurtured us through the current of flowing twisting streams and passing of many moons.

You remind us always to keep a pulse on nature, respect our bodies and minds and seek balance in this ever-changing earth life. We are interconnected and charged with the work of healing the wounds of our tramplings and restore the elements of air, earth, fire and water.

As you once said, “We are blesssed with opportunity and challenge.”

May we go forth in grateful unison as an interconnected community to carry on the spirit of your teachings; to offer collections of nature, performing and visual arts and a warm invitation to all.

Come explore with all your senses, listen and create at the Arts Center at VIEW. Thank you, Mirnie, our Adirondack mother for your vision, resourcefulness and support with our individual artistic and collective creative growth. Together we sing Happy 90th Birthday!

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