Inlet Historical Society seeking board candidates

The Inlet Historical Society is currently seeking candidates for the five expiring board seats in their upcoming election.

The nominating committee of the Historical Society will meet prospective candidates at the Inlet Town Hall on Thursday, July 7 at 6 p.m. Board members serve two-year terms and meetings are held once a month.

Anyone interested in helping the organization move forward in its mission to preserve Inlet’s Adirondack history is welcome.

“The organization has some 170 members and a strong foothold after only two years in existence. We would love to share the experience with any residents of the Inlet area,” said board member Dave Scranton.

Many artifacts and photographs are being accessioned monthly into the Inlet Historical collection and a variety of programs are scheduled throughout the summer. “If you are interested in Inlet’s past, help to make the Inlet Historical Society part of Inlet’s future,” Scranton said.



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