Chip and Katie Kiefer and Tim and Patty Foley, organizers of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Old Forge, are predicting the largest crowd ever for the Friday, March 14 event with the announcement that Eileen and Ron Hamlin of Remsen, parents of history-making Olympic bronze medalist Erin Hamlin, have accepted their invitation to be this year’s parade marshals.
“The Hamlins are frequent visitors to Old Forge and McCauley Mountain—where Erin learned to ski—and we are excited that they will play a significant role in our great parade. It will certainly put a literal meaning to the term, Erin Go Bragh,” Chip said.
Though not confirmed, Chip hinted that Erin, the first American ever to medal in the singles luge, will also be present if her appearance schedule allows.
Among the usual cast of zany green-clad marchers and floats, Chip is also anticipating appearances by Herkimer County Legislature Chairman Vincent Bono, local Herkimer County representative Patrick Russell, and Elise Stefanik, a Republican Congressional candidate for the 21st district.
“But all are welcome to march or just come and watch. As always, the emphasis is on the color green, and fun and creativity will be the order of the day,” said Chip.
Anyone interested in participating in the Parade is asked to line up near Keyes Pancake House by 4:45 p.m. The parade up Main Street to the Old Forge Fire Hall begins at 5 p.m.