One Subaru, hold the chips

Sue Kiesel of the Hollywood Hills area found out for herself why you should not keep even a small morsel of food in your car overnight.

Last Friday night, August 23, a large bear opened the unlocked door on the passenger side of her Subaru wagon to pilfer crumbs from a potato chip bag. While inside, he tore the dashboard up, ripped the interior of the door and tore the headliner over the driver’s side.

Sue Kiesel's mauled Subaru interior

Sue Kiesel’s mauled Subaru interior

He got spooked when he leaned against the car horn and made a hasty exit through the unopened passenger side window. In his forced departure he also broke the front windshield in two places, however it remained intact.

Unflinched by the incident, Kiesel said the bold bear returned 25 minutes later and strolled across the porch of the camp.

Upon receiving the $4,500 damage estimate, Kiesel said, “Wow, that was one expensive bag of chips.”

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